Overdue for Global Destruction
Now I also believe that God (the living God) was the creator of all of this universe. I believe that He was pleased to inhabit the planet we call Earth with all that is around us. So I believe that He loves us and protects our lives and has a special plan in mind for us. By the way, a new creation is currently underway so if you didn't believe in the first one hopefully you will start thinking about this next one. I believe that while God plans to destroy this creation at some point and replace it with something better, all of that is up to Him and not just a chaotic happening.
There is a nasty rumor that the world is going to be destroyed by accident. It has been the theme of movies for the last ten years or so. The funny thing is that there would be much better odds in my belief of a young earth for such a disaster as opposed to the ridiculously old earth as some people believe. In that belief you have billions of years where billions of opportunities for disaster should occur. Billions of asteroids and comets would have threatened our existence. But somehow, chaotically, we dodged all of those bullets and yet these same believers of the old earth are fearful of the sighting of every space object that comes our way. Evolutionists should have more peace of mind and faith in the lone fact that history, their history, is on their side. So why the alarm? What are they afraid of?
Just thinking.
I agree but could have never articulated it like you did. I still like the Poison post.
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