Saturday, May 06, 2006

Papa's got a brand new bag... er, baby.

I welcome Hallie Jean Coulter to the world wide web today. She was born on April 28th @ 12:57 pm. She weighed 7 lbs. 13.4 oz. and was 20 in. long. Believe it or not she is 10 times cuter in real life. Both she and Deana are home recovering well. Hallie has been so good about everything. She keeps her crying to a minimum and actually lets us get moments of sleep.

Hallie was the name of one of her Great-great-grandmothers on Deana's side and Jean was one of her Great-grandmothers on my side.

(Warning: cliche) The moment she was born my life changed forever. It is one thing to have a wife to be responsible for, but a child is something so different. I can go to work and I don't have to worry all day long if my wife is alright or if she is eating. But a baby, she truly needs her mommy and daddy. And that isn't a bad thing.

We have spent a week with our new baby and the experience is still surreal. I'm sure reality will kick in soon. But for now we are parents, the new adventurers, embarking on the unknown journey and accepting the challenges of the future.

Thank You Lord for this blessing! Posted by Picasa


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